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V'ni Dansi

Yvonne Performing in Toronto February 20-21, 2014

Yvonne Performing in Toronto February 20-21, 2014

Join Artistic Director, Yvonne Chartrand, for these free community events in Toronto. 


Thursday February 20, 6-9pm: Ryerson University

  • Potluck and Knowledge Sharing Event

Friday February 21, 5:30-8:30pm: The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, 252 Bloor St. W, 12th floor

  • Evening of Jigging with Yvonne Chartrand This event is open to the community and everyone is welcome! Please RSVP to as a pizza dinner will be provided. Hosted by the Infinite Reach Networks of University of Toronto, Ryerson University, York University, and the Native Women's Resource Centre of Toronto. 


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V'ni Dansi
Métis Traditional & Contemporary Dance
PO Box 95071 Kingsgate
Vancouver, BC V5T 4T8
